Sorry for not updating so often… kinda busy preparing for final exam…
Erm… still left 17 or 18 days for 2009… I guess is time to review back what i did/achieve in 2009…
2nd of Jan… i start working in as part time… My first ever office job in my entire life… I thought i will finish my 5/6 years of part time job alone… :(
But things turn out to be better for me… i drag some friends to do part time job at here… erm… to be honest… almost half of the class…^^

Learn a lot throughout the working… converted into full time worker… learn how to call… how to flirt… how to play games during work…weeee!~~~~
Around April or May, STPM result release… I pass all subject… luckily! But the not with flying colour… had some hard time during that period of time…
End of May, i resign from the Time to rest and prepare for my further studies. At that time, i was get offer from UNITEN (business), UTAR (Mechatronic) and MMU (Mechanical). Lastly, I choose MMU. Which require me to stay in Malacca, far far away from my home. :(

But hey! I learn a lot! Especially doing the housework and being independent…
Orientation,1st trimester, now 2nd trimester. what can i say? so far so good luh… ^^
I worry my family the most… Dad… your bad temper really ar… not good for ur health ar… Mom… you still being the tough person who supporting the family… My 2 sister… nothing much to say… juz faster get a bf and get marry la… =D
What else leh?
Any plan for 2010?
=>so far, not yet.
Anything else that i would like to achieve in 2009?
=>finish my final,go home, meet my girlfriend car.
i guess this will wrap up the post.
Looking forward to the future… ^^